News & Events

CPRIT joins UTRGV and area legislators in McAllen to spotlight historic state cancer research grant


(McALLEN) Representatives from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) joined area legislators and leaders from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) in McAllen for a press conference today to spotlight a major new grant awarded to the university.


CPRIT approves $90 million to boost cancer research, prevention efforts across Texas


(AUSTIN) The governing board of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) took a major step forward in the fight against cancer by approving over $90 million in new cancer research and prevention grants at its quarterly meeting near the Texas Capitol on Wednesday. The slate of forty projects from across Texas fund a wide range of innovative research and prevention efforts at major research hubs like Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, but also invests in rapidly developing cancer research programs in El Paso and the Rio Grande Valley.


Texas cancer agency to act on $90 million in proposed awards for cancer research and prevention efforts


(AUSTIN) The governing board of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) will meet next Wednesday, February 15 at the new Barbara Jordan State Office Building located on the Capitol Mall in Austin to consider and vote on a slate of four dozen CPRIT cancer research and prevention grants totaling more than $90 million.

CPRIT FY 2022 Annual Report Now ONLINE


CPRIT is proud to introduce our CPRIT 2022 Annual Report and provide a brief snapshot of our thirteenth year as the state’s cancer-fighting agency. You may access the report on CPRIT’s website or through this link:

CPRIT approves $12 million to bring top-flight cancer researchers to Lone Star State


(AUSTIN) The governing board of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) approved $12 million in recruitment grants in its quarterly meeting at the Texas Capitol on Wednesday. The grants will bring two CPRIT Scholars from out-of-state institutions to Texas to expand their cancer research and add to the state’s growing cancer research prowess.

CPRIT responds to New England Journal of Medicine Colonoscopy Study


The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the American Cancer Society have recommended routine cancer screening for colorectal cancer for several decades, with colonoscopy being the predominant form of screening for colorectal cancer in the United States. Despite questions raised by a recent Nordic-European Initiative on Colorectal Cancer (NordICC) study regarding the relative value of colonoscopy, CPRIT recommends that adults continue following established guidelines to undergo regular colorectal cancer screening, including colonoscopy, beginning at age 45.

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Media Contact

Mark Loeffler
Communications Director

Phone: 512-305-8483
Email: [email protected]