Texans voted in 2007 to create the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) and to invest $3 billion in the state’s unprecedented fight against cancer. On November 5, 2019, Texas voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment to continue CPRIT’s work and invest an additional $3 billion for finding and funding the best cancer research and prevention opportunities in the state. CPRIT is now a $6 billion, 20-year initiative – the largest state cancer research investment in the history of the United States and the second largest cancer research and prevention program in the world.
We accept applications and award grants for a wide variety of innovative cancer-related research and product development and for the delivery of evidence-based cancer prevention programs and services by public and private entities located in Texas.
As Texas’ fight against cancer escalates exponentially, CPRIT’s work remains true to our three-part mission established by the Texas Legislature:
- Invest in the research prowess of Texas universities and research organizations;
- Create and expand life science infrastructure across the state; and
- Expedite innovation in research and enhance the potential of breakthroughs in prevention and cures.
Under the guidance of its governing body, the Oversight Committee, CPRIT maintains the highest integrity and dedication to the mission of finding cures and treatments for cancer. CPRIT’s investments position Texas as a world-class leader in cancer research and prevention and connect universities, researchers, physicians, companies, hospitals, and clinics across Texas to form a critical ecosystem of distinguished cancer-fighting talent. CPRIT is proud to be a part of this connectivity. Projects CPRIT funds create high quality jobs, support critical lab infrastructure assets, and help thousands of cancer patients extend their lives.
Purpose, Powers, and Duties
The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) is the state agency mandated to:
- Create and expedite innovation in the area of cancer research and in enhancing the potential for a medical or scientific breakthrough in the prevention of cancer and cures for cancer;
- Attract, create, or expand research capabilities of public or private institutions of higher education and other public or private entities that will promote a substantial increase in cancer research and in the creation of high-quality new jobs in this state; and
- Develop and implement the Texas Cancer Plan.
Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 102.002
In furtherance of its statutory mandate, CPRIT is authorized to:
- Make grants to provide funds to public or private persons to implement the Texas Cancer Plan, and may make grants to institutions of learning and to advanced medical research facilities and collaborations in this state for:
Research into the causes of and cures for all types of cancer in humans;
Facilities for use in research into the causes of and cures for cancer;
Research, including translational research, to develop therapies, protocols, medical pharmaceuticals, or procedures for the cure or substantial mitigation of all types of cancer in humans; and
Cancer prevention and control programs in this state to mitigate the incidence of all types of cancer in humans;
- Support institutions of learning and advanced medical research facilities and collaborations in this state in all stages in the process of finding the causes of all types of cancer in humans and developing cures, from laboratory research to clinical trials and including programs to address the problem of access to advanced cancer treatment;
- Establish the appropriate standards and oversight bodies to ensure the proper use of funds authorized under this chapter for cancer research and facilities development;
- Employ an executive director as determined by the oversight committee;
- Employ necessary staff to provide administrative support;
- Monitor contracts and agreements; and
- Work to implement the Texas Cancer Plan and continually monitor and revise the Texas Cancer Plan as necessary.
Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 102.051