Grantee Resources
The grantee resources page includes the sources of CPRIT’s requirements, such as statutory and administrative rule text, as well as guidance on how to understand and apply those requirements during a CPRIT grant project. Examples of the grantee resources include proposed administrative rule changes, the Grant Policies and Procedures Guide, previous and upcoming compliance training opportunities, and other helpful webinars. Grantees will also find guidance on how to report fraud, waste, and abuse to CPRIT using Red Flag Reporting.
CPRIT Grant Management System
CPRIT utilizes an online grants management system that allows you to correspond with staff, manage budget information, submit reimbursement requests and required reports, manage grant contacts and review and accept contracts and contract amendments.
Rules and Statutes
State law requires agencies to use a rulemaking process, which includes an opportunity for the public to comment on proposed rules and rule changes before the agency adopts the final rule. When CPRIT proposes a new administrative rule or a change to an existing administrative rule, it must do so through a rulemaking project. The rulemaking project, which CPRIT announces in the Texas Register, gives the public advance notice of the proposed rule so that interested persons may decide whether they wish to comment on the proposal.
At its November 20, 2024 meeting, the Oversight Committee approved the posting of proposed changes to Texas Administrative Code §§ 703.13 and 703.26 for public review and comment.
First, the amendment to § 703.13(b) increases the grant recipient audit threshold from $750,000 to $1 million. Grantees who receive state funds in an amount at or above this threshold must obtain an audit and provide it to CPRIT. CPRIT follows the threshold set in the Texas Grant Management Standards (TxGMS), published by the Comptroller’s Office. The Comptroller released a new version of TxGMS on October 1st, increasing the audit threshold to $1 million.
Next, the proposed change to § 703.26(b) replaces an outdated reference to the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) with TxGMS. After TxGMS went into effect, CPRIT amended its rules to replace references to UGMS with TxGMS. This non-substantive change corrects a reference that was previously overlooked.
Finally, the amendment to § 703.26(e) adds to the list of unallowable grantee expenses, “[r]eimbursements to employees for their out-of-pocket health insurance premium or other health care expenses which are not made through an employer-sponsored plan established under Section 105 of the Internal Revenue Code.” This clarifies that CPRIT practices follow current laws and regulations governing these expenses.
Written comments may be submitted through January 7, 2025, to CPRIT’s General Counsel, John Ellis, by fax (512/475-2563); by email ([email protected]); or by mail to the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, P.O. Box 12097, ATTN: Rulemaking Project, Austin, Texas, 78711.
The Oversight Committee expects to consider a final order reflecting the comments received on these proposed rule changes at their meeting on February 19, 2025.
Proposed changes to Texas Administrative Code Title 25, Chapter 703
Additional Resources
Policies and Procedures Guide
The Policies and Procedures Guide is made available for individuals and organizations interested in the CPRIT cancer research and prevention funding award program. It provides the framework for the review, award, implementation, and monitoring of CPRIT-funded research and prevention grant awards, as well as information on the rules and requirements that applicants and recipients of CPRIT grant awards must follow
- CPRIT Policies and Procedures Guide
The current version of the Grantee Policies & Procedures Guide is dated December 2024. - Texas Grant Management Standards (TxGMS)
CPRIT is holding a redesigned and interactive webinar to help current grantees successfully navigate compliance and reporting requirements. The training includes an overview of common reporting errors, relevant administrative rule changes, interactive exercises, and a Q&A with staff.
CPRIT’s administrative rule § 703.22 requires all grantees to complete an annual compliance training by December 31 of each year. The Authorized Signing Official (ASO) and at least one other individual from each organization must attend the annual compliance training; however, we encourage all staff who use CPRIT’s grants management system to participate in this training.
PLEASE NOTE: Grantee compliance trainings are program specific. Organizations with grants across multiple programs should attend the training that pertains to the majority of their awards.
CPRIT staff participating in the webinar included representatives from the compliance department, program staff, operations staff, and the legal department.
Wednesday March 05, 10:00 - 11:30 AM CST
Thursday March 06, 10:00 - 11:30 AM CST
Thursday March 06, 1:00 - 02:30 PM CST
Resources from Previous Compliance Training Sessions
Slides from CPRIT Grantee Essentials - Academic Research Grantee Training – Held: October 03, 2024
Slides from CPRIT Grantee Essentials - Prevention Grantee Training – Held: June 27, 2024
Resources from Other Trainings
Funding Webinars
CPRIT offers several funding opportunities for promising cancer research, product development, and prevention programs. All funding opportunities are announced through formal Requests for Applications (RFAs) and applications must be submitted through the online application receipt system.
- Texas Connect RFA Informational Webinar – Held: March 20, 2023
- Prevention Program Webinar on the newly released RFAs – Held: June 01, 2022
Recently Held Webinars:
Reporting Fraud, Waste and Abuse

Pursuant to Texas Administrative Code § 701.9, CPRIT has established a system to receive confidential reports of suspected instances or events that failed to comply with CPRIT's applicable laws, rules and policies, including allegations of fraud, waste and abuse.
To report fraud, waste and/or abuse occurring at the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), call Red Flag Reporting at 1-877-647-3335 and use Client Code: 5124633190 or go to Click here for more information about reporting suspected fraud, waste, or abuse.
Reports of suspected fraud, waste, or abuse relating to state funds associated with state agencies and institutions or higher education may be made to the Texas State Auditor's Office (SAO). To report an allegation of fraud, waste, or abuse, with the SAO visit the Texas State Auditor's Office website.
Reporting Forms
The grant reporting forms listed here allow grantees to provide supplementary information when required to the grant reports found in CARS-CGMS.
Resource Documents
The grant reporting resource documents listed here are designed to assist grantees in submitting accurate information and documentation for all expenses reported to CPRIT.
FSR Checklist for Academic Research
FSR Checklist for Product Development
FSR Checklist for Prevention
FSR categories and required supporting documentation
Standardized GL with FSR and match columns
Match Eligibility Matrix