CPRIT includes advocate reviewers as part of its peer review process to ensure the needs of cancer patients remain at the forefront of discussions during the review process. Participation of advocate reviewers in peer review leads to an expanded perspective by scientists and public health expert reviewers as well as the community at large.

To be eligible for consideration as an advocate reviewer, the applicant must:

  1. Represent an organization or other community of people;
  2. Demonstrate prior community involvement or other work on behalf of cancer patients;
  3. Possess good communication and writing skills, including the ability to analyze information and make judgments with consideration of patient impact;
  4. Express interest in and fundamental knowledge of the medical research process, including basic and translational scientific research and prevention concepts;
  5. Reside outside of the state of Texas;
  6. Have science-based training. This training requirement shall be considered fulfilled if the Patient Advocate has:
    1. Attended a science-based training program from the American Association for Cancer Research Survivor-Scientist Program, American Society of Clinical Oncology Research Review Sessions for Patient Advocates, Research Advocacy Network Advocate Institute or National Breast Cancer Coalition Project LEAD no more than three years prior to appointment to the Institute’s Scientific Research and Prevention Programs Committee; or
    2. Participated in at least one full cycle of grant review conducted by the Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, Federal Drug Administration or Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute no more than three years prior to appointment to the Institute’s Scientific Research and Prevention Programs Committee.

STEP 1: Review advocate reviewer eligibility and FAQs

STEP 2: Complete the application form

STEP 3: Review the final application package to ensure it is complete.

The application package must contain:

  • a completed application form
  • the applicant’s current resumé (volunteer, community, or employment experience) or curriculum vitae
  • a letter of recommendation from a community-based organization and a personal statement on advocacy and education if the applicant has attended training but has not yet served on a peer review panel

STEP 4: Submit the final application package to:

Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
Email: [email protected]

STEP 5: Applicant will be notified regarding selection to review on a CPRIT panel.