This year, the federal government established the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), a new agency to catalyze transformative high-risk, high-reward research to drive biomedical and health breakthroughs that will transform medicine and health for the benefit of all patients and that cannot readily be accomplished through traditional research or commercial activity.

President Biden recently named Dr. Renee Wegrzyn as the first director of the agency.  A home site for the agency has not yet been determined.

ARPA-H has issued a call for applications from those interested in being program managers for the new agency. ARPA-H Program managers will help drive the ARPA-H mission and help shape the challenges to be addressed by the agency. ARPA-H program managers will be empowered with the freedom to design new technical initiatives, serve as thought leaders in their fields and use their exceptional skills and proven expertise to create revolutionary ideas and transformative technologies that can accelerate breakthroughs in health.

CPRIT is encouraging qualified Texans to apply for these critical positions at ARPA-H.  As a leader in medical and life science research, and a life science hub, Texas is a leader in the number of life-science and health-related PhDs awarded in the United States, each of whom has the potential to help the agency, to the benefit of all Americans. 

If interested, Texas researchers can send a letter of interest, CV and program ideas to [email protected].