Grant ID RR240063
Awarded On May 15, 2024
Title Recruitment of First-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Members
Program CPRIT Scholar
Award Mechanism Recruitment of First-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Members
Institution/Organization Texas A&M University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Lauren Hagler
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $1,998,639
Summary of Goals and Objectives

The central dogma asserts that the information written in our DNA code is transcribed into RNA which is translated in protein. But this fundamental principle alone greatly oversimplifies many complicated and intricate processes that work together to specify the gene expression program. While every cell contains the same genetic code, each produces a different set of translated proteins at a given time. Consequently, the cell must respond to its environment to control gene expression and meet its changing metabolic needs. To date, the RNA field has made several foundational discoveries that highlight the importance of RNA in gene regulation: (1) RNA forms complexes with protein partners and o...

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