Grant ID RP240518
Awarded On August 21, 2024
Title Adapting radiotherapy clinical trials to treatment response and artificial intelligence innovations
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Clinical Investigator Award
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Neil Desai
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $1,460,229*

*Pending contract negotiation

Lay Summary

Doctors who treat cancer must estimate how aggressive a person's cancer is. Based on this, they can select the best treatment to use. If they lack this information, doctors may inadvertently offer too much or too little treatment for the patient's cancer, which can have undesirable effects. New tools that give us better information for these decisions are being quickly developed. Some tools, such as new imaging scans, improve our ability to detect the cancer's location. Others look at the how the genes that makes up a cancer influence its behavior, called gene scores. Even newer strategies look at response to a treatment of a person's own cancer, to guide their next steps, and are called ada...

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