Grant ID RP240489
Awarded On August 21, 2024
Title Neural Regulation of Childhood Cancers
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Multi-Investigator Research Awards (Version 2)
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Sean Morrison
Cancer Sites Bone, Brain and Other Nervous System, Childhood and Adolescent, Leukemia
Contracted Amount $4,362,563*

*Pending contract negotiation

Lay Summary

Although cancer is initiated by mutations in the DNA of individual cells, cancer maintenance and progression also depend on cancer cells' ability to hijack the activities of non-cancer cells in their local environment. Over the past decade, interactions between cancer cells and neurons in the central and peripheral nervous systems have been discovered to be particularly important for cancers to grow aggressively, disseminate through the body, and become insensitive to standard treatments. These interactions were initially studied in glioma, the most common type of malignant brain tumor, due to the prevalence of neurons in these tumors. Remarkably, glioma cells and neurons communicate with on...

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