Grant ID RP240478
Awarded On August 21, 2024
Title Advancing immunotherapy for high-risk cancers in children and adolescents
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Clinical Investigator Award
Institution/Organization Baylor College of Medicine
Principal Investigator/Program Director Meenakshi Hegde
Cancer Sites Childhood and Adolescent
Contracted Amount $1,030,892*

*Pending contract negotiation

Lay Summary

Treatment options are limited for children and adolescents presenting with advanced cancers and many die from progressive disease. Chemotherapy is often ineffective for solid tumors and brain tumors that recur or progress after standard treatment. Although surgery or radiation therapy may prolong life, they are not always curative. Alternative treatment approaches such as immunotherapy, including T cells genetically modified to express a tumor targeting molecule called "chimeric antigen receptor" or "CAR", have been effective in curing some patients with B-cell leukemia and lymphoma. However, a subset of these children with high-risk disease experience relapse after CAR T-cell therapy due to...

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