Grant ID | RP240454 |
Awarded On | August 21, 2024 |
Title | Reversing Tumor Immune Exclusion with Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Depleting Therapeutics |
Program | Academic Research |
Award Mechanism | High Impact/High Risk |
Institution/Organization | The University of Texas at Austin |
Principal Investigator/Program Director | Everett Stone |
Cancer Sites | All Sites |
Contracted Amount |
$249,998* *Pending contract negotiation |
Lay Summary |
The long-term goal of this work is the development of a pan-immunotherapy that works by stimulating cancer killing T cells to traffic to tumors and eradicate them. Despite the remarkable success of immune checkpoint therapies (ICTs) such as Keytruda® and Yervoy® that can elicit curative responses, most patients do not respond to ICTs and of those that do a significant fraction experience relapse due to acquired resistance. Cancers escape from the immune system in several ways such as producing immune cell inhibiting proteins, or by preventing lymphocytes (i.e., T cells) from migrating to the tumor which creates what is called an immune "excluded" or immune "desert". An immune "desert", or la... |