Grant ID RP220626
Awarded On September 14, 2022
Title A glia-to-neuron conversion for treating oral cancer pain
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Feng Tao
Cancer Sites Head and Neck
Contracted Amount $237,500
Lay Summary

Head and neck cancer, including oral cancer, affects numerous patients worldwide and is directly associated with chronic pain, which markedly reduces quality of life in these patients. However, currently it remains unclear how such cancer pain is developed and how we can treat it successfully. In this project, we will address this problem and explore whether a cell conversion strategy can be used to develop a novel approach for treating chronic oral cancer pain. Our overall goal is to generate an unconventional perspective on chronic oral cancer pain treatment with a cell conversion approach, which is totally different from currently available pain therapies. If successful, the proposed stud...

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