Grant ID RP220267
Awarded On February 16, 2022
Title Organelle communication during transition from fatty liver to hepatocellular carcinoma
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Principal Investigator/Program Director Masahiro Morita
Cancer Sites Gallbladder, Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct
Contracted Amount $1,050,000
Lay Summary

Our long-term goal is to decipher dynamic changes and the physiological significance of communication among organelles in disease onset. While organelles are compartmentalized and function independently in the cell, organelles communicate with each other to maintain cellular homeostasis. We previously demonstrated that the oncogenic mTORC1 signaling pathway controls mitochondrial dynamics and activity by selectively promoting the translation of nucleus-encoded mitochondria-related mRNAs, which engenders an increase in ATP production, a required energy source of mRNA translation in cancer cells. This finding suggested that the mTORC1 pathway is involved in the formation of mitochondria-riboso...

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