Grant ID RP210153
Awarded On August 18, 2021
Title UTEP/UTMDACC Partnership for Hispanic Cancer Disparities Research
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Texas Regional Excellence in Cancer Award
Institution/Organization The University of Texas at El Paso
Principal Investigator/Program Director Marc B Cox
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $5,881,734
Lay Summary

No one is safe from cancer, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or income; however, burden is greater for certain populations based on their socioeconomic status, racial/ethnic group, and cancer type. In El Paso, Texas, Hispanics account for more than 85% of the population. Hispanics have a lower risk for some cancers but have the highest rates for many cancers. The Center for the Study of Hispanic Cancer Disparities (CHCD) at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) seeks to define underlying mechanisms that support a body of emerging evidence that links socioeconomic and biological factors to the development of cancer disparities among Hispanics. UTEP is committed to reducing cancer hea...

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