Grant ID RP200619
Awarded On August 19, 2020
Title CPRIT RNA Therapeutics Core
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Core Facility Support Awards
Institution/Organization The Methodist Hospital Research Institute
Principal Investigator/Program Director John Cooke
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $3,999,995
Lay Summary

RNA Therapeutics is emerging as an exciting new class of drugs to defeat cancer. RNA is a form of biological software that can instruct a cell to make proteins that can protect against cancer. For example message RNA can be made that generates vaccines against cancer; or to modify white blood cells so that they will be more effective at destroying cancer; or to instruct cells to make proteins that stimulate an inflammatory response against cancer. The goal of this proposal is to expand our current CPRIT-funded RNAcore to create a state-of-the-art comprehensive CPRIT RNA Therapeutics facility that will help academic groups and biotechs in Texas and aid to translate their ideas and innovations...

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