Grant ID RP160805
Awarded On May 18, 2016
Title Preclinical Candidate Discovery Core
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Core Facility Support Awards
Institution/Organization Baylor College of Medicine
Principal Investigator/Program Director Martin M Matzuk
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $5,999,997
Lay Summary

We need more rapid and less expensive strategies to discover novel anti-cancer medicines if we hope to improve patient survival and reduce treatment costs for patients with this devastating disease. The need for a larger arsenal of targeted therapeutics is particularly apparent as improved diagnostics and mutation profiling suggest new pathway-specific approaches for personalized treatment. To address the technological and economic challenges of identifying new drug candidates for cancer, we plan to use this CPRIT Core Award to develop a Preclinical Candidate Discovery Core (PCDC). The mission of the PCDC is to supply Texas cancer researchers and physicians with novel compounds to study canc...

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