Grant ID RP160668
Awarded On May 18, 2016
Title Pathogenesis and Early Progression of Lung Cancer
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Multi-Investigator Research Awards (Version 2)
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Ignacio Wistuba
Cancer Sites Lung and Bronchus
Contracted Amount $4,606,275
Lay Summary

TITLE: Pathogenesis and Early Progression of Lung Cancer LAYPERSON’S SUMMARY In the United States, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer, accounting for 30% of all cancer deaths. Texas is no exception, where lung cancer is equally sobering, due the state’s unique demographics and the high prevalence of smoking in minority populations. Indeed, global trends, particularly in the developing world, imply a continued economic and personal cost of great proportion. Yet, intriguingly, amidst this bleakness is an opportunity for a transformation in preventative medicine and clinical care, born from recent high-profile discoveries and revolutions in molecular biology, data science, and clinical ...

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