Grant ID RP160015
Awarded On November 19, 2015
Title Collaborative Training of a New Cadre of Innovative Cancer Prevention Researchers
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Research Training
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Patricia Dolan Mullen
Contracted Amount $4,172,601
Lay Summary

The public and policymakers agree that innovation propels U.S. science & technology and with it, our global economic leadership. Yet budding scientists are not taught how to be inventive. The UT Health training program imparts a systematic method proven to produce better innovators. Trainees must devise and pursue cancer research that does not baby-step science forward but leaps it into the future. Dr. Ness (PI) has disseminated her innovative thinking method through a series of books--Innovation Generation & workbook, Genius Unmasked, & The Creativity Crisis and over 80 invited lectureships. CPRIT funding supported the development of a free innovative thinking e-course starting July ‘15. 2...

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