Grant ID RP140478
Awarded On August 20, 2014
Title Computational Chemistry Determination of DNA Damage Mechanisms in Proton Cancer Therapy To Optimize Its Clinical Use
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization Texas Tech University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Jorge Morales
Cancer Sites Breast, Head and Neck, Lung and Bronchus, Prostate, Sarcoma
Contracted Amount $200,000
Lay Summary

Proton cancer therapy (PCT) uses high-energy proton projectiles to kill cancerous tumors with minimum damage on healthy tissues and without the side effects of X-Ray therapy. PCT is effective on non-spread cancers in the eyes, head, neck, lungs, prostate, and breast. The healing action of the protons results from their damage on cellular DNA. Because of their high rate of division and reduced ability to repair damaged DNA, cancerous cells are much more vulnerable to DNA attacks than normal cells and are killed at a higher rate. However, the mechanisms of DNA damage in PCT remain mostly unknown. That has prevented a rational design of PCT that can maximize its therapeutic power, minimize its ...

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