Grant ID RP140143
Awarded On August 20, 2014
Title Dependence of Small Cell Lung Cancer on the Basic Helix- Loop-Helix Transcription Factors Ascl1 and NeuroD1
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Melanie H Cobb
Cancer Sites Lung and Bronchus
Contracted Amount $900,000
Lay Summary

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is one of several highly aggressive neuroendocrine carcinomas that together account for 20-25% of lung cancers. Nicotine is a causative factor. Prognosis is poor; the five-year survival for SCLC remains close to 5%. Two transcription factors, Ascl1 and NeuroD1, are essential for brain development and are also required for development of the neuroendocrine cells in the lung. In addition to reporting on lung status through their connection to the nervous system, lung neuroendocrine cells make hormones and neurotransmitters that send information to other lung cell types to coordinate the clearing of airways, and may stimulate growth of cells to repair and maintain ...

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