Grant ID RP130597
Awarded On December 05, 2012
Title Single organelle analysis for metabolites in tumor cells using microfluidic devices coupled to direct Nanoextraction-Nanospray
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization University of North Texas
Principal Investigator/Program Director Guido F Verbeck
Cancer Sites All Sites, Colorectal
Contracted Amount $181,419
Lay Summary

Micromanipulation is an important and useful tool that is used to manipulate small particles and cellular materials. Currently micromanipulation is being used in the biological sciences to transfer single cells, isolating them for future studies and analysis, and is also being used to isolate specific bacterial cells from a culture and retrieve them for further study. Our development of nanomanipulation has higher spatial resolution than micromanipulation, so new advances in the biological sciences can be made, specifically to sub cellular analysis and isolation within a single healthy and tumor cell. Recent advances in Mass Spectrometry sensitivity and nano-scale manipulation have led...

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