Grant ID RP130548
Awarded On December 05, 2012
Title Overcoming CXCL12 Mediated Resistance in Glioblastoma
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Principal Investigator/Program Director Andrew J Brenner
Cancer Sites Brain and Other Nervous System
Contracted Amount $755,718
Lay Summary

One major improvement in the treatment of cancer has come from the use of agents that block the growth of new blood vessels to tumors, referred to as antiangiogenics. This results in low levels of oxygen within the tumor, and essentially starves the tumor of much needed nutrients. Unfortunately, while this seemed like a clear way to overcome tumor growth, recent findings suggest that this only results in a temporary slowing of tumor growth. In patients who receive antiangiogenics, a consistent finding is that they have an increase in a protein called CXCL12 in their blood when their tumors are actively growing. This protein has several important functions in disease states such as recruiting...

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