Grant ID | RP120941 |
Awarded On | March 29, 2012 |
Title | NIR fluorescence imaging for assessment of lymphatics in cancer treatment and recovery |
Program | Academic Research |
Award Mechanism | Bridging the Gap: Early Translational Research Awards |
Institution/Organization | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston |
Principal Investigator/Program Director | Eva M Sevick |
Cancer Sites | Head and Neck |
Contracted Amount | $605,425 |
Lay Summary |
The lymphatic system is an often overlooked secondary circulation system. The lymphatics are known as the major route for various cancers to spread from the primary disease site to nearby lymph nodes and distant organs. Therefore, the lymphatics frequently are involved in the cancer diagnosis and treatment procedures, and are damaged during the procedures. Lymphedema (LE), a chronic and incurable condition of lymph transport dysfunction that causes swelling and disfigurement, is a common complication after cancer treatment due to the damage to lymphatics. However, the involvement of lymphatics in cancer progression and the cause of LE are not well understood due to the lack of technologies t... |