Grant ID RP110299
Awarded On October 29, 2010
Title Cellular Targets of Salinomycin: Novel Cancer Stem-Cell Specific Drug Studied in Yeast
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
Principal Investigator/Program Director Wolfram Siede
Cancer Sites Basic Science, Multiple Sites
Contracted Amount $170,334
Lay Summary

A new concept in cancer biology suggests that only a small fraction of cells within a tumor, so-called cancer stem cells, drive its growth since they can divide without limitations. Recently, the established antibiotic salinomycin was found to kill breast cancer stem cells specifically. Therefore, salinomycin is an attractive candidate for cancer chemotherapy, however, its mechanism of action is unclear. We found that salinomycin is active in the model organism budding yeast but we also found that resistance against the agent is quite common – a potential major problem in therapy. We propose to determine which proteins are altered in those clones to generate resistance. This can easily be ac...

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