Grant ID | RP110189 |
Awarded On | October 29, 2010 |
Title | Discovery of Small Molecule Activators of NR4A Orphan Nuclear Receptors for Treatment of Acute myeloid Leukemia. |
Program | Academic Research |
Award Mechanism | Individual Investigator |
Institution/Organization | Baylor College of Medicine |
Principal Investigator/Program Director | Orla M Conneely |
Cancer Sites | Leukemia |
Contracted Amount | $500,000 |
Lay Summary |
The overall goal of this project is to develop new therapies for treatment of acute myeloid leukemias (AML). AMLs represent a group of blood cancers that develop as a result of defective production of infection fighting myeloid blood cells and are a leading cause of death from leukemias in the U.S. with overall patient survival of <25%. AMLs vary widely among patients in terms of their genetic and molecular causes, course of development and response to chemotherapy. This considerable variability presents a major challenge toward development of much needed new therapies to treat AML patients. Nuclear receptors represent a large family of related proteins that interact with DNA to control its ... |