Grant ID RP110189
Awarded On October 29, 2010
Title Discovery of Small Molecule Activators of NR4A Orphan Nuclear Receptors for Treatment of Acute myeloid Leukemia.
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization Baylor College of Medicine
Principal Investigator/Program Director Orla M Conneely
Cancer Sites Leukemia
Contracted Amount $500,000
Lay Summary

The overall goal of this project is to develop new therapies for treatment of acute myeloid leukemias (AML). AMLs represent a group of blood cancers that develop as a result of defective production of infection fighting myeloid blood cells and are a leading cause of death from leukemias in the U.S. with overall patient survival of <25%. AMLs vary widely among patients in terms of their genetic and molecular causes, course of development and response to chemotherapy. This considerable variability presents a major challenge toward development of much needed new therapies to treat AML patients. Nuclear receptors represent a large family of related proteins that interact with DNA to control its ...

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