Grant ID RP101009
Awarded On January 20, 2010
Title MRI-Guided Laser Therapy for Targeted Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer
Program Product Development Research
Award Mechanism Company Commercialization
Institution/Organization Visualase, Inc.
Principal Investigator/Program Director Ashok Gowda
Cancer Sites Prostate
Contracted Amount $2,151,776
Lay Summary

The primary treatment for prostate cancer has long been radical prostatectomy (surgical removal of the prostate) or whole gland radiation. However, because prostate cancer presents in broadly varying degrees of aggressiveness, recent data show that 42 men who would not otherwise die from the disease must have their prostates removed in order to save one life.

Because the complications of prostatectomy (incontinence, erectile dysfunction) are common and devastating regardless of technique used (manual or robotic surgery), it is clear that prostate cancer is being dramatically over-treated. There is growing evidence that patients with low-risk disease may benefit significantly from a minima...

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