Grant ID | PP240012 |
Awarded On | February 21, 2024 |
Title | Integrated Mammography and Genetic Evaluation Services (IMAGES) |
Program | Prevention |
Award Mechanism | Cancer Screening and Early Detection |
Institution/Organization | The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center |
Principal Investigator/Program Director | Gary Whitman |
Cancer Sites | Breast |
Contracted Amount | $1,499,400 |
Lay Summary |
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Integrated Mammography and Genetic Evaluation Services (IMAGES) program. Need: Texas has the highest percentage of uninsured residents in the US. The lack of health insurance deters many from seeking health care services and preventive care. In 2023, there will be an estimated 22,280 new cases of female breast cancer and approximately 3,340 deaths from breast cancer in Texas. According to the American Cancer Society, mammography rates among the uninsured continue to be half of those among the insured. Only 40 percent of uninsured women had mammograms in the past two years. Barriers to screening include the cost of screening and diagnostic services, limited access t... |