Grant ID PP220045
Awarded On August 17, 2022
Title Inpatient Screening and Treatment for Unhealthy Alcohol Use and Tobacco Use as a means of cancer prevention
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization The University of Texas at Austin
Principal Investigator/Program Director Jananie Ramesh
Cancer Sites Breast, Colorectal, Esophagus, Gallbladder, Head and Neck, Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct, Tobacco-associated
Contracted Amount $999,957
Lay Summary

Need: Excess alcohol use and tobacco use are two of the top three risk factors for cancer incidence and mortality. Both excess alcohol use and tobacco lead to increased incidence of multiple types of cancers, and in some cases, their combined effects are synergistic, particularly for head and neck cancers. In Travis County, approximately 25% of adults reported binge drinking in the previous month, and 9% of adults have alcohol use disorder. Additionally, about 10% of adults in Travis County still smoke, despite recent decreases. Rates of unhealthy alcohol and tobacco use are even higher in hospitalized patients, many of whom are admitted to treat the consequences of these risky behaviors. ...

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