Grant ID PP210044
Awarded On August 18, 2021
Title Expansion of the Lung Cancer Screening and Tobacco Control (LCTC) Network to Rural and Medically Underserved Populations
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Tobacco Control and Lung Cancer Screening
Institution/Organization Baylor College of Medicine
Principal Investigator/Program Director Roger Zoorob
Cancer Sites Lung and Bronchus, Tobacco-associated
Contracted Amount $1,999,664
Lay Summary

Need: This proposal responds to a critical need for expanded evidence-based services to prevent lung cancer in populations currently outside the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas’ (CPRIT) portfolio. These include geographic areas of Texas disproportionately affected by lung cancer incidence, mortality and cancer risk prevalence as well as socio-demographically underserved populations. The project will bring expanded services to Texas Public Health Region 5, which CPRIT has identified as a high priority geographic area, and it will also expand an existing network of clinics in the Harris County to the Harris County Metropolitan area. The expanded program will maintain its commi...

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