Grant ID PP200070
Awarded On August 19, 2020
Title Expansion of Texas A&M'S Cancer Prevention Program to Rural and Medically Underserved Women
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Expansion of Cancer Prevention Services to Rural and Medically Underserved Populations
Institution/Organization Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Anna Lichorad
Cancer Sites Breast, Cervix Uteri, Colorectal, Gallbladder, Leukemia, Skin, Uterus
Contracted Amount $1,656,478
Lay Summary

NEED: Low-income women residing in rural and medically underserved areas (MUAs) of Texas (TX) suffer from significantly higher incidence and mortality rates associated with some cancers (Risser, 2012; Ojinnaka, 2016). Barriers to cancer screenings among rural TX women may include driving distance, lack of transportation, fear of finding cancer, language barriers, or even medical mistrust. Family medicine physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners (NPs), and community health workers (CHWs) working in rural underserved areas play an important role in ensuring provision of evidence-based screenings and education, provided in a safe and culturally sensitive environment.

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