Grant ID PP200051
Awarded On February 19, 2020
Title Taking Texas Tobacco Free Through a Sustainable Education/Training Program Designed for Personnel Addressing Tobacco Control in Behavioral Health Settings
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Dissemination of CPRIT-Funded Cancer Control Interventions
Institution/Organization University of Houston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Lorraine Reitzel
Cancer Sites Tobacco-associated
Contracted Amount $299,953
Lay Summary

Need. Tobacco use is causally linked to 17 different cancers, as well as heart disease, stroke, and chronic obstructive lung diseases. Thus, addressing tobacco use is critical to cancer prevention in Texas. Population-level tobacco control initiatives have been successful at reducing smoking rates overall; however, equivalent reductions are not being experienced among individuals with behavioral health (e.g., mental and substance use) needs. Consequently, cancer incidence is also elevated in this group. Evidence-based practices (EBPs) known to be effective in reducing tobacco use include enforced tobacco-free work environments, education initiatives for all employees, specialized training on...

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