Grant ID PP200048
Awarded On August 19, 2020
Title Expanding a successful postpartum HPV vaccination project to women in the Rio Grande Valley
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Expansion of Cancer Prevention Services to Rural and Medically Underserved Populations
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Abbey Berenson
Cancer Sites Cervix Uteri, HPV-associated
Contracted Amount $1,999,991
Lay Summary

NEED: Even though the HPV vaccine has been available for over a decade, uptake and completion rates remain low due to lack of awareness and access. Cost is also a barrier among young adults after age 18 as they are no longer eligible for the Vaccines for Children program. Only 42% of US women 19-26 have received even one dose of the HPV vaccine. This demonstrates a critical need for additional interventions targeting adults. Rates are especially low among the low income, primarily Hispanic population who receive obstetric care from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). To address this, UTMB obtained CPRIT funding to develop an innovative postpartum vaccination program. Following the...

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