Grant ID | PP170088 |
Awarded On | August 16, 2017 |
Title | Access to Breast and Cervial Care for West Texas (ABC24WT) |
Program | Prevention |
Award Mechanism | Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services |
Institution/Organization | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center |
Principal Investigator/Program Director | Rakhshanda Rahman |
Cancer Sites | Breast, Cervix Uteri, HPV-associated |
Contracted Amount | $1,349,730 |
Lay Summary |
This application proposes to continue breast and cervical cancer screening/prevention services for the population of Council of Government-1 (COG-1) by the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Breast Center of Excellence (TTUHSC-BCE). The human and economic burden of breast and cervical cancer in COG-1 is stark; breast cancer incidence and mortality is higher than state average at 20.9, and 23.8 per 100,000 respectively. Cervical cancer incidence is higher than state average at 11.0, while mortality is lower at 2.5 per 100,000. This is results from lack of access to screening/early detection for the largely underserved population. The HPV vaccination coverage in COG-1 is less... |