Grant ID PP120167
Awarded On August 02, 2012
Title Managing Obesity in Primary Care: Training Clinicians & Staff in Patient Behavior Change Skills
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Behavior Change Through Public and Professional Education and Training
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Principal Investigator/Program Director Walter L Calmbach
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $499,907
Lay Summary

Managing Obesity in Primary Care: Training Clinicians & Staff in Patient Behavior Change Skills Obesity is a major health problem in Texas, as well as a risk factor for developing cancer. Unfortunately, poor diet and physical inactivity may soon overtake tobacco as the leading cause of death in this country. These findings suggest that a more preventive approach is needed in U.S. health care. Primary care physicians are well-placed to approach their patients about safe weight loss, healthy diets, and regular physical activity, but often feel poorly prepared to do so.

The goal of this educational project is to prevent or reduce obesity by providing primary care clinicians and practice staf...

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