Grant ID | PP110220 |
Awarded On | July 27, 2011 |
Title | Cancer Genetics Services for Rural and Underserved Populations in Texas |
Program | Prevention |
Award Mechanism | Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services |
Institution/Organization | The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Principal Investigator/Program Director | David M Euhus |
Cancer Sites | Breast, Colorectal, Corpus and Uterus, NOS, Ovary |
Contracted Amount | $1,597,535 |
Lay Summary |
Some cancers run in families. Genetic testing identifies individuals from these families who are at very high risk for cancer (58 – 80% chance of getting cancer). There are many things these people can do to make sure cancers are diagnosed early or prevented all together. Because Cancer Genetics involves fairly new and sometimes costly technologies that are not well understood by many primary care providers it is mostly affluent, well-educated white people who are deriving the greatest benefits from it. The uninsured and underinsured, African-Americans, Hispanics, and those who live in rural small towns are largely left out and never have the opportunity to discover that they are at high ... |