Grant ID | PP110171 |
Awarded On | July 27, 2011 |
Title | Use of an Automated EMR System to Link Underserved Smokers with Cessation Treatment |
Program | Prevention |
Award Mechanism | Cancer Prevention Microgrants |
Institution/Organization | The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center |
Principal Investigator/Program Director | Jennifer I Vidrine |
Cancer Sites | Bladder, Cervix Uteri, Esophagus, Head and Neck, Kidney and Renal Pelvis, Larynx, Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct, Lung and Bronchus, Other, Pancreas, Stomach |
Contracted Amount | $298,890 |
Lay Summary |
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable morbidity and mortality in the U.S. and has been linked to cancers of the lung, oropharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, bladder, kidney and cervix. Although the health benefits of quitting are substantial, quit rates are low, and smokers with lower socioeconomic status tend to be less successful at quitting. Therefore, connecting underserved smokers with efficacious cessation treatment is crucial for disease prevention and the elimination of health disparities. Unfortunately, existing evidence-based treatments have been grossly underutilized. Thus, the focus of this project is on increasing dissemination and enhancing utilization of an ex... |