Grant ID DP230066
Awarded On May 17, 2023
Title Improving Cancer Patient Outcomes by Activating Lung Innate Immunity
Program Product Development Research
Award Mechanism Texas Therapeutics Company Awards for Product Development Research
Institution/Organization Pulmotect, Inc.
Principal Investigator/Program Director Brenton Scott
Cancer Sites Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma
Contracted Amount $8,851,165
Lay Summary

PUL-042 could improve successful outcomes of cancer patients who often contract pneumonia given their immune compromised status. Lung infections are caused by a variety of germs (viruses, bacteria, etc). In cancer patients the risk of lung infection is increased, particularly when patients receive treatment that suppresses the ability to fight off infections. The risk is so high that pneumonia is second only to the underlying cancer in causing death in cancer patients. In addition, if pneumonia develops, treatment may be reduced or stopped and patients are often not able to receive the full course of treatment. Leukemia and bone marrow transplant patients are among cancer patients at highest...

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