Grant ID | DP150059 |
Awarded On | November 19, 2014 |
Title | Blood-based markers for screening and early detection of colorectal neoplasia |
Program | Academic Research |
Award Mechanism | Bridging the Gap: Early Translational Research Awards |
Institution/Organization | The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center |
Principal Investigator/Program Director | Robert Bresalier |
Cancer Sites | Colorectal |
Contracted Amount | $1,693,599 |
Lay Summary |
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer death in industrialized nations, accounting for 10% of the total cancer burden with an individual lifetime risk of ~6%. Although early detection by screening results in significantly reduced mortality and numerous screening options exist, only 40% of guideline eligible patients are screened as recommended. Patient-friendly approaches, improving patient adherence and compliance are needed to achieve national CRC screening goals, but must also demonstrate high sensitivity for detection of early cancer and precancerous lesions (adenomas), as well as broad acceptability to the general public, health care providers, and third party pa... |