Grant ID PP160081
Awarded On August 17, 2016
Title Statewide Dissemination of the "Taking Texas Tobacco Free" Workplace Program
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Dissemination of CPRIT-Funded Cancer Control Interventions
Institution/Organization University of Houston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Lorraine Reitzel
Cancer Sites Bladder, Cervix Uteri, Colorectal, Esophagus, Gallbladder, Head and Neck, Kidney and Renal Pelvis, Leukemia, Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct, Lung and Bronchus, Pancreas, Stomach
Contracted Amount $299,981
Lay Summary

Need. Smoking, the most common form of tobacco use, is the leading preventable cause of death and disability in the US. Smoking is causally related to 17 different types of cancers and is responsible for 30% of cancer deaths. Smoking has become increasingly concentrated among individuals with behavioral health needs (e.g., mental illness). This subpopulation smokes at high rates (<64% prevalence vs 15% in US overall), quits at low rates, and consequently suffers from greater cancer incidence and mortality relative to the general population.

Permissive attitudes toward tobacco use within behavioral health clinics contribute toward a missed opportunity to proactively address tobacco depende...

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