Julea Vlassakis, Ph.D.
Julea Vlassakis, Ph.D.
Rice University
Titles & Positions

  • Assistant Professor of Bioengineering

Institutional & Related Links



Grant Information

Grant ID: RR210028
Grant Mechanism: 
Recruitment of First-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Members
Recruited From: 
University of California, Berkeley
Date Awarded: 
May 19, 2021
Grant Amount: 

Julea Vlassakis, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Bioengineering at Rice University. Dr. Vlassakis earned her Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and was a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Herr Lab at the University of California, Berkeley.  

Dr. Vlassakis' overarching goal is to advance the treatment of Ewing sarcoma, leukemias, brain tumors, and other pediatric/young-adult cancers caused by fusion oncoproteins and their molecular interactions. Unlike adult cancers, certain pediatric cancers have few genetic mutations and instead are driven by fusion oncoproteins with altered DNA and protein interactions. Ewing sarcoma, a pediatric and young adult cancer of bone and surrounding tissue, arises from a single chromosomal rearrangement to generate the EWS-FLI1 fusion protein.

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