
Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 102

Article III of Texas Constitution establishing CPRIT


Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Chapters 701 – 703

Current Rulemaking Project

At its May 15, 2024, meeting, the Oversight Committee approved the release of proposed changes to an existing agency rule in Chapter 701.

The proposed amendment to Section 701.11(5) removes the hard copy option for the Texas Cancer Plan, which CPRIT currently maintains as a PDF on its website here. CPRIT plans to present the next version of the Texas Cancer Plan as a fully online, dynamic resource available to the public.

Written comments may be submitted through July 15, 2024, to CPRIT’s Deputy Executive Officer and General Counsel, Kristen Doyle, by fax (512/475-2563); by email ([email protected]); or by mail to the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, P.O. Box 12097, ATTN: Rulemaking Project, Austin, Texas, 78711.

The Oversight Committee expects to consider a final order that reflects the comments received on the proposed rule and any recommended changes at their meeting on August 21, 2024.

Proposed change to Texas Administrative Code Title 25, Chapter 701: Proposed Rule Text May 2024

Recently Adopted Rule Changes

Also at its May meeting, the Oversight Committee approved the final adoption of recent changes to Chapters 701 and 703 that were initially presented at the February 21 meeting. The amendments add “Tranche” to the agency’s list of defined terms in Chapter 701 and consistently capitalize the term throughout Chapter 703.

Beginning June 9, 2024, Texas Administrative Code Chapters 701 and 703 will reflect the recently adopted rule amendments, which are also available here: Adopted Rule Text May 2024

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