Grant ID RR210018
Awarded On November 18, 2020
Title Recruitment of First-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Members
Program CPRIT Scholar
Award Mechanism Recruitment of First-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Members
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Guy Nir
Cancer Sites Leukemia, Myeloma
Contracted Amount $2,000,000
Summary of Goals and Objectives

The 3D organization of the genome is a regulator of gene expression. However, in different types of cancer, including multiple myeloma (MM) and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), the folding of chromosomes is altered, which impairs the proper regulation of transcriptional activity. In addition, genes located in such misfolded chromosomal loci are often involved in cancerous mechanisms. Despite the connection between genome organization and tumorigenesis, robust models of healthy and cancerous cells that rely on genome organization are lacking. This absence makes predicting which cells are likely to become cancerous due to impaired genomic organization impossible.

One reason for the inaccura...

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